Prayer is the grounding for our relationship with God. From formal prayers offered in worship, prayers at meals, and fleeting moments of prayer, our lives are enveloped in prayer. In prayer, we both listen and share what is in our hearts and on our minds. We move, live, and serve in and out of our prayers.

Questions to consider:

  • What is your big prayer at this time?
  • What is going on in the lives of your neighbor? How can you pray for them?
  • Where will you GO and… grow your prayer life this month?

Prayer: Holy One, help me pause and engage in conversation with you this month and always. Amen.

Suggested Song: Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (ELW 752)

Pray: Resources

Prayer Handout

Downloadable handout that is great for bulletin inserts, enewsletters, or posting on a bulletin board!

Download Resource
Praying Practice

Check out the Praying Feet prayer practice for June! This prayer practice encourages us to consider how we can keep each other in prayer as we GO!

Download the Practice
Pray Slide

A downloadable PowerPoint slide available for sharing!

Download Slide
Praying in Color

Have you ever heard of prayer in color? A prayer practice developed by Sybil MacBeth encourage people of all ages to grab their crayons and markers and a piece of paper and pray! This resource, specifically for children ages 5-11 will help you get started and is a fun practice for the whole family!

Buy the Book
Prayer Resources

There are so many great prayer resources available in print and online. Here are few favorites named by Nebraska Synod leaders.

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Share Your Prayer Practices!

Are you looking for a consistent prayer practice that involves the whole family? There are so many options for you to consider adding – songs, a family prayer, making a sign of the cross, reading Bible stories together, and so much more! What prayer disciplines do you already hold? What could you add to your routine? Share a story or picture with us at or use the hashtag #GoAnd on social media!

Share Your Practice!
Prayers on the Road

As you are traveling this summer, think about the people that were here before you. If you want to learn more about indigenous tribes and nations, click below for a map. If you want to learn more about the local history, keep an eye out for historical markers along the road. Consider prayer of thanks, prayers of lament and reconciliation, prayers for the awe and wonder of God’s creation, and of appreciation for the saints gone before us.

View Native Lands Map
Daily Prayer in the Home

The ELCA shares simplified versions of prayer the hours with practices for morning, evening and night prayer available. You can also check out the Prayers and Blessing for Daily Use! Check it out!

Open Resource
Prayer Labyrinths

Some of us find sitting still in prayer to be difficult. Following the path of the labyrinth allows one to engage in focused prayer with a single walking path to the center and back out. The prayer labyrinth is a tool for pray-ers to follow a path towards God, rest with God, and walk with God out of the labyrinth. Download a finger labyrinth here, research outdoor labyrinths near you, or call the Synod Office to borrow the portable synod labyrinth for your congregation to use!

Printable Labyrinth
Bible Study - Pray

The Book of Psalms contain 150 prayers, songs, liturgies, and poems. This includes prayers for help, hymns of praise, songs of thanksgiving, acrostic poems, festival psalms, and more! Psalm 23 is one that we hear often. Take time to read this psalm line by line. Have a conversation or journal about what you are discovering. Jerome Creach offers commentary on this Psalm linked here.

Read Commentary