As we await and celebrate Christ’s birth, we remember that God is present and shows up. The babe in the manger, God Incarnate, is God’s gift of deep love for us. We are invited to pause, be still, and be fully present in this holy season. Society calls us to a different place where busyness, spending, and rushing about are marks of success. God, in Christ, offers another way: Emmanuel – God with us.

Questions to Consider:

  • What can I add to this season that would truly allow me to pause?
  • What tradition do you have that nurtures being present at this time of year?
  • As you are on the GO, how are you going to practice being present?

Prayer: Emmanuel, you are present with us. Help us be present with each other. Amen.

Suggested Song: O Come, O Come Emmanuel (ELW 257)

Be Present: Resources

Be Present Handout

Downloadable handout that is great for bulletin inserts, enewsletters, or posting on a bulletin board!

Download Resource
Body Prayer

December's prayer practice is Body Prayer! Engage your entire body in prayer - both physically and spiritually.

Download Prayer Practice
Be Present Slide

A downloadable PowerPoint slide available for sharing!

Download Slide
Christmas Light Displays

In a season of long, dark nights, Christmas lights bring joy, light, and beauty to the season. Partner with some one from your congregation or community who can't get out on their own and take them around town with a stop for treats or cocoa and cookies in the car. Some communities offer maps highlighting some of the best displays - check your local area for resources.

12 Books of Christmas

Do you have a Twelve Days of Christmas tradition? The Twelve Days of Christmas begins on Christmas day and runs until the Day of Epiphany. December can be a whirlwind; consider slowing down with a good book. How might you incorporate books (giving, reading, enjoying with others, etc.) into the 12 Days of Christmas?

Sign Up for Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations are free email reflections sent every day of the year. Each meditation features Richard Rohr and guest authors reflecting on a yearly theme, with each week building on previous topics—but you can join at any time. Richard Rohr writes about profound topics in an accessible way. His daily meditations are both challenging and encouraging. Sign up to receive them in your inbox or read them online.

Sign Up Here
Blessing for the Longest Night

This poem by Jan Richardson is a short but powerful poem for the Winter Solstice. Richardson's evocative language and vivid imagery offer a powerful reminder of the beauty and mystery that can be found even in the darkest of times. Whether you are seeking comfort or inspiration, this poem is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Read the Poem
Create and Gift Handmade This Year

In a commercial world, we get caught up in buying and consuming the next 'best thing'. Homemade gifts are a priceless way of sharing love. The art of creating and receiving homemade gifts takes time and intentionality, which at its heart is about being present. There are many ideas online for people of all ages to create a special gift.

Go and Be Present through Christmas Caroling Together

Gather a group of folks and consider caroling to those in your congregation who are homebound. As you compile your Christmas carols, here is a list of songs that are public domain and don't require additional copyright notice.

Access the List
Advent Prayer Practices

Looking for ways to deepen your spiritual connection this Advent season? Consider incorporating some simple and meaningful spiritual practices into your holiday routine. Try some of these simple practices and better cultivate peace, love, and gratitude in your life this holiday season.

Download Resource
The Power of Being Present

Roger K. Allen shares about the transformative power of presence and mindfulness meditation Discover its benefits for managing stress and anxiety, improving focus and productivity, and building deeper connections with yourself and others. Whether you're new to the practice or seasoned, this article offers valuable insights for your mindfulness journey.

Read the Article
Rehearsal Free Christmas Pageant

Are you looking for an easy resource to use either for younger saints in your context, or that could be used for any and all ages to share the Christmas story together? If so, look no further than this good ready made resource for telling the Christmas story. This is an easy and adaptable resource to make the story accessible for any context and community, no matter the ages.

Download the Resource