At the start of the new year, we are pushed to get organized, exercise more, and make New Year’s resolutions. How do we take rest among all this? What does it mean to be like Jesus? It means taking time to pause, rest, and embrace the day. That might mean taking a nap, getting together with old friends, reading a good book, or enjoying the arts as we recognize God makes all things new.

Questions to consider:

  • What brings you rest?
  • What does Sabbath mean for you? What does it look like in your life?
  • Let GO, what are you going to give up this year so that you can rest?

Prayer: O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils and joys unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Suggested Song: In the Lord, I’ll be Ever Thankful (Taize hymn)

Rest: Resources

Rest Handout

Downloadable handout that is great for bulletin inserts, enewsletters, or posting on a bulletin board!

Download Resource
Breath Prayer

January's prayer practice is Breath Prayer! Find a comfortable space and follow along with this centering prayer practice.

Download Prayer Practice
Rest Slide

A downloadable PowerPoint slide available for sharing!

Download Slide
Just Three Things

Research shows people can retain as many as 7 things, but the average person achieves 3-4 things, so let’s go for three things. It’s a good church number. You pick the “just three things” that work for you.

Download the Spiritual Practice
A Spiritual Practice for the Hesitant

Emily P. Freeman writes, “If you’re someone who maybe grew up going to church or used to have a steady spiritual practice, but you’ve either grown tired, weary, bored, or skeptical, I get it, and you’re not alone. Maybe lately you’ve been curious about God again, wondering if there’s anything for you in the world of faith. Maybe you’re tiptoeing back looking for something familiar, but then when you find it, you feel a bit cautious or hesitant. Maybe you have the desire to engage a spiritual practice, but you’re not sure how to do that as yourself in this new space. If that’s you, then this episode is for you.”
Freeman shares everything she does is to help create space for our souls to breathe so that you can discern your next right thing. Her simple style and wise words for everyday living brings comfort and inspiration.

Listen to podcast number 273
Tiny Things

January in the Midwest calls us to settle in. The weather is cold, the snow sometimes deep, and the urge to stay home can leave us feeling disconnected. Authors Ellie Roscher and Heidi Barr offer us a way to not only tend to our own needs, but help us connect with others. Pick up a copy of their book “12 Tiny Things: Simple Ways to Live a More Intentional Life” and gather a group of friends to join you in a monthly read and intentional conversation time. Gather in person or through Zoom or Google. Set aside 60 minutes on a regular once a month schedule. Dive into the chapters on space, work, spirituality, food, style, nature, communication, home, sensuality, creativity, learning, and community. Discussion questions are included for each chapter. The book is available as an audible audiobook, paperback (Amazon), and Kindle version. You are invited to Go And… REST through conversation with friends.

Find the Book

God provides us with the original sabbath blueprint at creation when God rests on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2-3). God also commands God’s people to honor the sabbath day and keep it holy (Exodus 20:8). That sounds great, but you may be wondering what does this mean for us today? Is sabbath for prayer? Should sabbath time be reserved only for God? Self? Family? All of the above? Or is sabbath something else altogether? Are there rules for sabbath?
Looking for insights on Sabbath and the spiritual discipline of rest?

Download the Resource
Tap Your Creative Side

Tap your creative side with Crafting Calm: Projects & Practices for Creativity and Contemplation by Maggie Oman Shannon. From the back: "In this wired, wild world, it is harder than ever to shut out noise and busyness in order to truly calm yourself, but in Crafting Calm, a DIY guide to peace of mind, you'll find inspiring ideas for how to do exactly that through a wide range of creative exercises". In this book, author Maggie Oman Shannon explores crafts and creativity as a practice with enormous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Check out the instructions for personal prayer flags, tabletop altars, finger labyrinths, and visual journals.

Purchase the Book
Creating Space

January is the time of New Year’s resolutions and good intentions. We make plans to eat healthier, declutter our homes with Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo’s advice, and do a better job of connecting with friends and family. We make plans knowing change can’t happen unless we plan. We add veggies to our grocery list, locate donation sites, and add family to our new calendars.

Many of us use the cold of January as a tool to help us rest. With good intentions, we dream of engaging with daily devotions, Bible study and spirituality books. The problem is we often forget to create space on our calendars and in our homes for spiritual growth. We like to think we can do this work cold turkey which means most of the time our good intention and our dream of utilizing January as a habit changing month go out the window after week one. How can you create space?

Download the Resource
Staff Picks - 2024 Devotionals

We know how tough it can be to pick a new devotional for the year with all the choices out there. That's why our Synod Staff has gathered a list of their personal favorites for you. They've ensured there's something for everyone in this diverse selection. We're excited to share these with you and hope they resonate with your spiritual journey!

Download the Suggestions