Conversation is an exchange involving active listening as well as taking turns sharing ideas and stories. It can be easy for us to fall into monologuing, lecturing, or tuning out especially when we think we know the answers. As a result, we often avoid having difficult conversations. Faith-filled disciples are called to be honest and engage with each other in Christ-like love.

Questions to consider:

  • What is your prayer as you consider engaging in a hard conversation?
  • When was a time you had a hard conversation? What did it feel like? What did you learn from it?
  • What is The conversation that you need to GO have and with whom?

Prayer: Engaging God, who is not afraid of any conversation, give me the words, wisdom, and heart to join in difficult conversations. Amen.

Suggested Song: Canticle of the Turning (ELW 723)

Have THE Conversation: Resources

Have THE Conversation Handout

Downloadable handout that is great for bulletin inserts, enewsletters, or posting on a bulletin board!

Download Resource

Dig into the February prayer practice: FAITH5! FAITH5 is a powerful framework that deeply connects people to God, one another, church, home, and daily life.

Download Prayer Practice
Have THE Conversation Slide

A downloadable PowerPoint slide available for sharing!

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Ash Wednesday with Kids

Ash Wednesday is traditionally the day when the Easter season begins. It is set at 40 days before Easter. The idea of Ash Wednesday is to remember our humanness and our mortality, and helps to prepare our hearts for the crucifixion and resurrection. Deacon Kristin Johnson has come up with some ways that congregations can encourage families to celebrate Ash Wednesday.

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Paper Chains

Where have you seen God? Where is God showing up in your life? What are examples of new life, or new ideas, that you have witnessed or sensed lately? These are big open-ended questions. But they could also be good food for thought starters for Lent this year. They might be the starting place for having a conversation with another. They might also be a part of leaning in during Lent and being intentional. Check out how you can take this idea and incorporate paper chains as a visual.

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Have Difficult Conversations

There are a number of great resources to help start the process of having difficult conversations. Among these, here are few that have been lifted up and selected as particularly helpful for congregations and disciples working through and making space for, difficult conversations. These selected resources offer different ideas and input but would be greatly applicable to most any congregation of the Nebraska Synod.

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The Danger of a Single Story -- TED Talk

Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

Listen to the TedTalk
Reflections for the Lenten Journey

This little book offers a word or phrase with a two to three-paragraph reflection for each day in Lent, accompanied by a brief prayer and a sentence of intention for that day. Diane Harpster has shared her thoughts and reflections on the book stating that she especially appreciates the varied ways Joyce addresses Jesus each day, acknowledging aspects of this One who loves us and accompanies us. Clear-seeing Friend, Companion in My Suffering, Channel of Healing, Unwavering Supporter, Encourager of Honesty, Rest for My Burdens; these are a few of the ways we are invited to see Jesus with us.

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Anger Doesn't Get You Anywhere

Where did the art of conversation and debate fade from our society? Can two people, two political parties, two religions sit together and talk about what is important to them? If we could recognize our bias and let each other talk and really listen I think we would be so much better friends, neighbors, and even better enemies. We can’t always agree with another person’s ideas, and we shouldn’t. Your ethics, your fidelity, and your integrity are important. We can still listen because it is important to another person.

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How to Have Difficult Conversation at Work

Conversations at work can be difficult but necessary. Rebecca Knight has written an article aimed at this subject providing a framework for engaging in any hard conversation.

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The Loneliness Epidemic

Pastor Kim McSheehy reflects that there is a loneliness epidemic and a lack of empathy in society. There are many reasons for these changes, which result in people finding it hard to connect and feel understood. How can our congregations be the spot to overcome these challenges? We have a message of “good news of great joy” of God who loves us.

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