Leadership Matters

As the Christian church participates in God’s mission in the world, there is a renewed awareness that God is making all things new.

As both the church and its contexts for ministry change, leadership needs in the church also change. New categories of leadership are emerging and likely will continue to emerge for the foreseeable future. The need increases for leaders who recognized they are called to make difficult moves in sync with the Holy Spirit. The church needs leaders who can recognize the mandate for change, encourage experimentation, take risks and lead transformation.

For any group of people to achieve anything of greatness, there must be those within it willing to lead. Leaders equip and empower others so that together they grow to understand faith as a verb and discover how they can utilize their gifts, talents and stories to proclaim the gospel and serve. Leaders help focus the group, create an environment for learning, ask questions, challenge the status quo, experiment, learn from mistakes and celebrate achievements with the group.

Individuals of all ages are invited to engage in listening for God’s call, identifying their unique God-given gifts and imaging new ways to serve as leaders in the church and world. Leaders are formed through leading with the support of spiritual directors, coaches and mentors. Book discussions, think-tank groups, workshops and classes provide lifelong learning opportunities for lay and rostered leaders to grow as disciples and strengthen their leadership skills. Our commitment is to equip, empower and engage leaders for the work God calls us to today and into the future.

Leadership in the News

See All the People: Equipping, Empowering, and Engaging our Community
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It Starts With an Invite
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Saying 'Yes' to Leading
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Staff Contact:

Deacon Sunni Richardson

Director for Leadership Development