Legal and procedural matters

The Nebraska Synod, as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is governed in legal and procedural matters by the Churchwide Constitution and Bylaws, as well as the Synod’s Constitution and Bylaws.

Proposed amendments to congregational constitutions require approval of the Nebraska Synod Council, based on the recommendation of the Synod Attorney.

Following are the steps for congregations wishing to amend their constitutions:
  1. Update constitution according to the most current Model Constitution for Congregations. (available for download at links below)
  2. Send a copy of the updated working document to for review, including contact information.
  3. Constitution will be reviewed, and any questions/concerns communicated to the congregation contact person.
  4. Reviewer will communicate to the contact person when the constitution is ready for congregation vote.
  5. Congregation will notify after the congregation vote has been held.
  6. Document will be submitted to Synod Council for approval, synod office will notify congregation of approval, and document will be filed in the congregation file at the synod office.

Nebraska Synod Governing Documents

ELCA Constitution & Bylaws

November 2019

Nebraska Synod Constitution & Bylaw


Model Constitution for Congregations


Model Constitution Amendments for Congregations

