Ready, Set, Go! In the Great Commission, Jesus calls us to GO. We are taking those words to heart.
At Nebraska Synod Assembly we launched our year-long focus to “Go And…” We invite you to be part of this call to GO! During Synod Assembly, we leaned in as God’s people called, gathered, and sent to “Go And…”. We kicked-off a year with 12 intentional themes inviting you to pray; listen; share your story; serve with neighbors; ask; be honest; be present; rest; have the conversation; be intentional; tell the story; and be the church.
Each month, the Synod Staff will provide an introduction to the theme, along with reflection questions, a prayer, and suggested hymn or worship songs. Resources will be available for download and can be utilized for bulletin inserts, newsletters, worship slides, or social media posting. Additional resources will be posted here so that you can utilize them in your Bible Studies, Adult Forums, Faith Formation discussions, discipleship reflections at home, and more.
There is a wealth of ideas out there! Co-create with us this year by sharing your ideas and experiences. We learn from each other and your idea may be just what someone else is looking for. Share how you are engaging with these themes and help inspire others to Go and…! Send your information to or post on social media using the hashtag #GoAnd.
Together, all 90,000 of us, will be focused on responding to Christ’s sending in the Great Commission, to GO and…, and to really live out the joy and hope of Pentecost!
Download the Full ‘Go and..’ Summaries
Download ‘Go and…’ Stewardship Preaching Ideas
Fall Stewardship Campaign Tips
‘Go and…’ Advent Mid-week Worship Guide
‘GO AND…’ Lenten Worship Guide