
Fall EMMAUS Opportunities

What’s On Your Fall Learning Agenda? 

There are so many treasures in the Road to Emmaus story found in Luke 24:13-35. We have two men on the road who know what has happened in Jerusalem but in fact they don’t know. But because they were open to listening and learning, asking questions and adapting their thinking, they got to see Jesus. That discovery, that amazing experience, that time with Jesus, led them to return to Jerusalem and share the good news. Wow! 

That’s the Emmaus: Lifelong Learning story – curious, open, eager to learn and ready to share what was learned.  

You are invited to be like the two on the road investing some time and energy in growing as a disciple through an Emmaus course. There’s no pop quizzes, no final examine, no right or wrong answers. There is an opportunity to engage in conversation, develop new skills and strengthen your gifts as a faithful disciple in Christ’s church. 

Fall Emmaus courses for fall include: 

  • The Giveaway Event with Pastor Tim Thompson – a proven way to build relationships with your neighbors 
  • Living Losses – Facing Them in Healthy Ways with Rev. Dr Don Eisenhauer – grief is not limited to deaths
  • Occasional Preacher with Pastor Jon Mapa – every congregation should have at least one person taking this course 
  • Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations with Rev Dr Sarah Cordray – back by popular demand 
  • The Return of the Prodigal Son with Deacon and Spiritual Director Rick Strong – strengthen your spiritual practices 

There are more courses in the works for fall. Check the website for details and to register.