
Disaster Response Update

Beloved in Christ,

We continue to be thankful for the tremendous response to the destruction caused by multiple tornadoes touching down in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa on Friday afternoon. In less than 24 hours, Nebraska Synod congregations in Bennington, Blair, and Elkhorn opened their doors to provide shelter, food, and other resources to those most impacted by the storms, and others contributed generously through their time, goods, and financial support through those congregations and the work of Lutheran Disaster Response. As is sometimes true in these situations, the difficulty has centered in coordinating and distributing the overwhelming abundance of tools, supplies, clothing, and food that has been donated. Nebraskans have stepped up in a time of need, as we always do. Now we begin to turn our thoughts toward how we continue to step up for our neighbors in the days, weeks, and months to come.

One of the ways that we do this work together as the Nebraska Synod is the through the Nebraska Synod Disaster Response fund. Through it, we are able to help respond to needs related to recovery and rebuilding for the long-haul. If you feel so inclined to respond and help your neighbors in need, we invite you to prayerfully consider this financial opportunity. All gifts to the disaster fund are used in response to recovery, responding, and rebuilding to disasters. Disaster response work is a marathon and not a sprint. As Lutheran Christians we walk together with our neighbors in relationship for the long-haul, until all the work is done long after the news crews have gone home. We give thanks for this life we share as God’s people and the church together, and for all the many ways God’s people have already generously and faithfully responded and will continue to do so.

On the synod website, we have relaunched a disaster response page where various resources that are shared will be added in the days and weeks ahead. We will do our best to keep you updated of needs and thank you for your prayers and for all that you are doing for your siblings in Christ impacted by these storms and tornadoes. If you have any questions or if you need to report from your congregation about households or families who have been impacted by the storms and tornadoes, please reach out to Deacon Timothy Siburg directly.

In deep and hope and trust,
Bishop Scott Johnson and your entire Nebraska Synod Staff