What does it mean to be church? The Holy Spirit is moving and blowing through, with, and for God’s people. To Go and… means we pray, listen, share our story, serve with neighbors, ask, be honest, be present, rest, have the conversation, be intentional, tell the story, and be the church. Everybody has something to offer – Let’s Go!
Questions to Consider:
- If you overheard someone talking in the grocery store about your congregation/ministry site, what do you hope people are saying?
- Use your imagination! What is your big dream for your congregation? (No limits!)
- What gifts, talents, and expertise do you hold and how can you share?
- I am going to Go and be church by ___________.
Prayer: Holy God who gathers and sends us, we give you thanks for the gift of your Holy Spirit. Equip us, give us language to proclaim the Good News, and empower us to GO forth into the world. Amen
Suggested Song: Go to the World (ACS 991)