
Empowered to Lead

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20 NIV


Matthew 28:19 -20 was part of the theme verse of this year’s Synod Assembly and is also my Confirmation verse. The Great Commission calls all of us regardless of age. No matter how young, old, or in the middle we are, God calls us to be his disciples and to use the different gifts God has given us. I am very thankful that I have mentors and my church, Family of Christ in Kearney, that has given me chances at a young age to grow and use my gifts, and to be a leader. When I was in Middle school, part of Confirmation was helping with worship as an acolyte, running the powerpoint, and other responsibilities, which led to me helping in other ways at church. After I was confirmed I started helping with Confirmation.

In 2020 during COVID-19, we had to stop worshiping in person and start videoing worship. I was given another opportunity to serve in more ways. I helped with recording our services and I was also a worship assistant. During that time we started doing a weekly short video devotional called “The Family of Christ Neighborhood”. I helped with planning, recording, and leading it and we continued doing those video devotionals for two years! I feel very blessed that I’ve been given many different chances to lead in my congregation. I am currently in my 3rd year of serving on the church council and I have had opportunities to serve the Synod, too!

The chance to be involved and lead at my church hasn’t only helped me grow my gifts but has helped me to grow in my faith and in wonderful friendships with members of my congregation. It has also helped me to realize that after college I want to attend Seminary to become a pastor. The support and encouragement of my church and mentors have helped to shape me, and without them, I am not sure that I would be planning on going into ministry. I pray that we as congregations and leaders are encouraging and supporting disciples, that we continue to grow the faith and gifts of our youngest disciples!

Written by Kate Reynolds – Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Kearney