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Let’s Fill Your Toolbox!

A Training for Congregational Leaders

Program Overview
Jumping into a church position without all the “tools” you need can be a challenge! “Now what?” is a question we often hear from newly elected Council members and newly appointed committee chairs. Thank you for being open to God’s call and serving in your congregation. It is exciting to see how listening to God, the congregation and the community will lead us to use our gifts, open doors and help us live into our congregational vocation.

Let’s Fill Your Toolbox! Is an opportunity to gather with others across the Nebraska Synod serving in congregational leadership roles.

This 3-hour training session will include specific training for council presidents, secretaries, treasurers, committee chairs and office administrators.

Join for a morning of prayer, fun, networking and learning. Share with others in your congregation.


• Devotion and welcome – Bishop Scott Johnson
• Vocation, call and leadership in the church.
• Break – move to breakout rooms for workshops
• Workshops (75 minutes)
President – Council’s job, meeting agendas, organizational tips, goals, communications and transparency
Secretary – Taking minutes, record keeping and legal documents
Treasurer – Budgets, risk management, forms, confidentiality and transparency
Committee Chairs & Team Leaders – Organizational skills, expectations, inviting others and utilizing gifts
Office Administrators – Organizing, forms, where to get information, synod social media and communications
• Closing – Resource sharing and sending

Date:   Saturday, April 13

Time: 9 am to noon central/8:00-11:00 am mountain

Cost: No fee and no limit on how many from your congregation can participate

Platform: This training is offered online with Zoom. Each person should be on their own device as we will be using breakout rooms for workshops.

What to bring:
Note taking supplies
Bring the tool listed above with your position. Example: Presidents bring a level.

For more information contact Synod staff at office@nebraskasynod.org or 402.896.5311

Cost: FREE!

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