Who is God calling to leadership in the church?

The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6

Lutherans believe God’s call to ministry expresses itself both inside a person and through others. Those are known as internal and external calls. The Sow the Seeds Initiative of the Nebraska Synod invites you to consider who you know that might be called to serve as a pastor, deacon or parish ministry associate and then encourage that person to consider if they sense that call, too.

Call Stories & Sermons

Listen to call stories of people in the process of becoming a pastor, deacon or parish ministry associate. Also in this showcase are sermons they shared for Sow the Seeds Sundays.

ELCA Seminaries

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Bishop Eaton’s Leadership Initiative

Resources from Bishop Eaton’s Leadership Initiative

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Nebraska Synod Candidacy

What are the steps to becoming a deacon or pastor?

Check it out
Parish Ministry Associates

What does it take to become a parish ministry associate?

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Staff Contact:

Lisa Kramme

Director for Faith Formation