If the Nebraska Synod is fortunate enough to be on your giving list, thank you!

Congregational Giving Options

This includes Mission Share, Mission Field Nebraska, Seeking the Spirit, Prison Ministry, ELCA churchwide, Serving Arms, and more.

Other Giving Opportunities

These giving opportunities include: Parish Ministry Associate program, Lutheran World Relief, Hunger Ministries, Synod Disaster Fund, Tanzania Ministries, ELCA Global Opportunities

Other Opportunities
Leadership Development

"How can we ensure that the gospel, particularly the grace-filled Lutheran expression of it, will continue to be a part of life in Nebraska for generations to come?”

Luther encouraged the church to re-emphasize the call for all people to be devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, members of "the priesthood of all believers."

The Nebraska Synod is listening to the Holy Spirit and is ready to try some new and innovative things.

Nebraska has always been at the forefront of Leadership Development, especially in raising up, empowering, and equipping lay leaders.

As we have received abundant grace from the generations before us, we now have the opportunity to invest in passing it on to those who follow. Please consider a gift to the Nebraska Synod to ensure that we are able to continue to serve our neighbor, share the gospel and raise up leaders to serve the future church.

Thank you for making a difference!

Leadership Development
Direct Thrivent Choice® Dollars

Thrivent Choice® can have a tremendous impact on organizations like ours. Eligible Thrivent clients with membership: Please consider directing Choice Dollars® to us. You can make a profound impact!

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