The work of cultivating love takes time and intentionality. It also takes time to breathe. Jesus explains the greatest commandment as, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31, NRSV). To be grounded, and to care for oneself so that one can most fully care for and show love to another, we need to cultivate love through recreation as summer provides. This time of year also invites us to acknowledge that God might be bringing forth some new or re-creation as part of God’s on-going work of cultivating love with, through, and for all of God’s beloved.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What does the summertime mean for you? How might this season be one of re-creation for you?
  • If out on the road, or experiencing the wonders of God’s creation, what might be one meaningful way to breathe deeply this month and to listen for God’s invitation and promise of love?
  • What will you do to find some time of re-creation and/or vacation this summer, so that you will take the time you need to recharge to then be able to share love with others most fully?

Suggested Hymns and Songs:

Give Me Jesus – ELW 770 & WOV 777
How Great Thou Art – ELW 856 & LBW 532
Take Me to the Water – ACS 957
This Little Light of Mine – ELW 677

Prayer of the Day

Merciful God, by giving us time and space to be apart, you also provide us with what we need to avoid exhaustion and apathy.  Help us to take the time to recenter our lives with you and live ever more fully into the people you created us to be.  Let it be our re-created selves that then bring the message of your love with renewed fervor, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Mark 6:30-34; 50-56

Other Theme Considerations and Potential Connections:

  • “Cultivating Re-creation” seems fitting during the heart of the summer months and as many might take some time to breathe, enjoy the longer days and good weather, and perhaps some sort of a vacation. How might you connect this intentionally in your context?
  • The July calendar also includes Independence Day. How might this connect with a theme and focus of re-creation?

Cultivating Re-Creation Resources

Stuck on a Message?
Download the Sermon Starter
Holy Listening
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Road Trip Playlist
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July's Prayer Practice
Body Prayer
Soaking Prayer
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Faithful Re-Creation for Young Kids
Download the Ideas!
Five-Minute Spiritual Recreation Activities
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