
Blessing and Sending…

by Jon Fredericks, Director of Campus Ministries

Spring is a beautiful season. As the trees and landscape blossom with growth, our world provides a visual and sensual spirit of renewal. In campus ministry, spring is also the time thatwe come the end of another academic year. It is a time of joy as we bless and send students out, to share the good news of Jesus Christ! Some we send out, anticipating their return to campus in the fall. Others we send out, having completed their coursework, and ready to begin the next chapter in their lives. These are moments of sending that in these important transitions also have new beginnings; new jobs, new routines—perhaps even new communities within which to venture within. This is how campus ministry, lives out this month’s them of, “Go…and be Church”.

As a partner ministry of the Nebraska Synod and of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Nebraska Lutheran CampusMinistry, Inc., is a network of campus ministry locations serving in academic communities across our state. We are joined nationally as part of the LuMin (Lutheran Ministry) Network of ELCA campus ministries and directly as NeLCM location ministries here in Nebraska. Over the past decade, our ministry locations have included Chadron (Chadron State College); Kearney (University of Nebraska-Kearney/Campus Lutheran); Lincoln (University of Nebraska-Lincoln/Lutheran Center); Beatrice (Southeast Community College); Northeast Community College (Norfolk); Wayne (Wayne State College); Omaha (University of Nebraska-Omaha and Creighton University); and Peru (Peru State College).

The size, scope and general makeup of the college community varies from location to location. Two-year verses four-year campuses, rural versus urban geography and residential verses commuter campus settings make our ministry sites unique. The largest and longest serving ministry sites, the Lutheran Center at UNL, (led by Pastor Liz Kocher and Deacon Coco Lyons) and Campus Lutheran at UNK (currently seeking pastoral call) each have their own buildings. These campus ministry sites includespace for worship and gathering as a community nestled within or adjacent to campus. In Lincoln, it also includes residential living for students in our intentional faith community, “Upper Room”. Other locations are partnered with local congregations. Pastor Heather Goertz leads our campus ministry in Omaha, with a “home base” at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church. Wayne State’s (NeLCM-Northeast Nebraska) is served by Pastor Jim “PJ” Holthus. In Wayne and other locations, ministry leaders host events on campus for students, as well as partner with area congregations to offer support for students. While each location is unique in its size, geography and design for ministry programming, all are united in mission to offer an authentic welcome for all. Pastors and Deacons, students and professional staff—all help to provide support for those we serve together across our varied ministry settings.

In addition to providing ministry programming and pastoral care for college-age young adults in academic settings across the state, NeLCM offers multiple outlets for faith formation, vocational and theological exploration. Students find opportunities to be leaders within the campus ministry setting—through music ministry, worship planning, leading Bible studies—even organizing community meals and mission trips. Through our network of ministry settings, we walk alongside all we serve as they grow in relationship with Christ Jesus.

We are grateful for all who walk along side of us in this vital ministry of the church. The “blessing and sending” continues, thanks be to God! As the summer season nears, we would love to hear from you—send us referrals of students you know who will be heading off to college this fall. Students who seek a home away from home—a community of faith in which to gather. We are ready to welcome all!

To all who help us share this invitation to Christ’s love—your impact is real. Campus ministry serves a diverse group of young adults, many of whom are new to the church. Your prayers and support help provide authentic communities for college students to gather where all are indeed welcome. Thank you as we Go…and Be Church together!

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