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“The Return of the Prodigal Son”- Book Study: Session 5

Program Description

Are you feeling the nudge in your discernment to do something new and refreshing in your call to serve God? Are you experiencing a distancing in your relationship with God? Are you thinking about a new perspective in your spiritual journey?

In this 5-week book study “The Return of the Prodigal Son” by Henri Nouwen, Henri presents his spiritual journey in hopes that it will enrich your personal journey in your relationship of faith with the God we all serve and love. That journey for Henri helps us find our way home to the Father’s unconditional love for us. It leads us on a spiritual journey of sharing the Father’s love with others along their own personal journey home. This study is a 5-week study is for Pastors, Deacons, Parish Ministry Associates (PMAs) and Spiritual companions. Join me in using “a personal spiritual workout designed by Henri Nouwen enabling each one to personally embrace and enter the story of the prodigal son and Rembrandt’s painting for yourself!” (Sue Mosteller, Henri Nouwen Legacy Trust, August 2007)

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