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Seeking the Spirit Within – One Topic Zoom Meeting (Holidays and Emotional Health)

Seeking the Spirit Within is offering monthly One Topic ZOOM calls in which we explore various subjects such as emotional health, spiritual formation, increasing relational literacy, and more.Each ZOOM call is 65 minutes and will be hosted by qualified teachers, guides, and an offering various practices.On December 4th, our One Topic session is called: Holidays and Emotional Health. Many of us enjoy the holiday season…and yet it can also be a complex experience as well.Family patterns, as well as personal ones, are often challenging to work with.Family gatherings also offer various triggers, traumas, and topics that can keep us from feeling a greater sense of differentiation and interior freedom.Join us as we examine new ways to enter the holiday season with tools and practices that deepen our communion with the Holy Spirit, with our own selves, and with others.

See you online!
Program Director David, Pastor Brad and the StSW team

Bio: BrianJames McMahon
is the creator of the SLOW Journal and founder of Church Well Co (www.churchwell.co), an organization that creates spaces of brave relationship for pastors and church leaders. Through Church Well Co BrianJames provides consultation for churches, community organizations, and businesses to develop cultures and environments that are emotional and relational safe(r) for their people. BrianJames and his team of Church Well Co guides facilitate SLOW Communities for pastors and ministers to deepen relationship, practice bravery together, and find healing from pain.BrianJames is also a licensed marriage and family therapist and a private practice in Kansas City (www.brianjamestherapy.com) where he provides psychotherapy for ministers and organizational leaders tofind healing from pain, overcome barriers to connection, unlock potential, and grow into who they are becoming.

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