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IDEA Inviters Event

Raising up lay leaders and clergy is a top priority for all of us in the Nebraska Synod. When we say “leaders” we are talking about disciples who serve on council, musicians, worship assistants, faith formation specialists, servant project workers, pastors, parish ministry associates (PMAs) and deacons.

Together with Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries and Nebraska Lutheran Campus Ministry, the Nebraska Synod ELCA’s goal is to integrate IDEA – Invite, Discern, Excite, Act – in our work as the church.

The IDEA team would like to invite the best “inviters” from your congregation to the IDEA kickoff event! This training is for those who notice gifts and talents, are not afraid to ask others to get involved, and are good at finding the right place for each person to be involved. Resources, idea sharing, and yummy snacks are included.

The IDEA Inviters Event will take place on Sunday, October 1 from 3:00pm-5:00pm at Carol Joy Holling Camp. Invite your best Inviters!
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