Do you recognize:
These experiences are a small taste of the spiritual life. Sometimes, they are how God invites you into a closer relationship! They are ways you can move beyond just believing in God, and begin to “know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge so that you might be filled with all the fullness of God” as the Apostle Paul described it in Ephesians 3:19.
With the help of a certified spiritual director and learning any number of ways to pray, you can tap into the rich experience of loving God and encounter God’s healing, compassionate love for you.
Drink From the Well
. . . is a ministry from Seeking the Spirit Within: The Nebraska Synod Institute for Spiritual Direction Formation, and is available to all adults wherever you may live.
The “something more” mentioned above? Drink From the Well has been developed to help you access that “something more”; right here, right now! It is a unique opportunity to learn from spiritual directors from around the Nebraska Synod and grow in your experience of the Divine.
Drink From the Well is partnering with Emmaus: Lifelong Learning to offer monthly opportunities centering on prayer practices. Note that each course has a separate registration. Early registration is appreciated as a minimum number of participants is required.
A live, synod-wide webinar will be held on the first Tuesday of each month in fall 2023: September 5, October 3, November 7, December 5 beginning at 7:00pm Central Time. The webinar will introduce a 90-minute lesson on the spiritual life and a prayer practice, with additional time for Q&A facilitated by Pat Gregory and Emily Wageman.
Your commitment is to:
Format: Online via ZOOM; ZOOM link will be provided the week of the class
How Many Sessions & Length of Each: Four classes, each with a unique registration link
Dates: First Tuesdays in September, October, November, & December from 7:00-8:30 pm CT / 6:00-7:30 MT
Cost: $25 per class (paid online via registration)
Registration deadline is the Sunday prior to each class (September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3). Refunds will not be available.
Classes Available