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Dinosaurs, Galaxies, and God: Science and the Theology of Creation – EMMAUS

Program Description

Christian witness in the American context faces many challenges.  There are those who try to cast doubt on the validity of science or the value of academic research.  Some believers even advocate a more or less absolute opposition between science and theology.  In this course, you will be introduced to some fascinating scientific developments: dinosaur research in the Rockies and Great Plains regions, and the exploration of time and space in astronomy and physics.  Then we will go on to Biblical interpretation and the long history of interaction and dialogue between faith and science.  All of this is background for a brief examination of the difference between so-called creationism and a creation theology rooted in the Nicene Creed and the church’s tradition.


Pastor Steve Berke retired in 2022 after 43 years of parish ministry in Illinois, Colorado, and Nebraska.  He is a graduate of Wartburg Seminary (M.Div., 1979;  S.T.M., 1986). His thesis delved into the relationship of theology and science, including biological evolution, physics, and cosmology.  He developed comparisons between contemporary theology and science and the work of the 4th century Cappadocian teacher, Gregory of Nyssa.

Course Details

Format: In person learning opportunity – First Lutheran Church, Kearney (3315 G Ave.)

Dates: Saturday, November 4, 9:00am – 3:30 pm Central

Cost: $36/person – No refunds after October 30

  • Cost includes course fee and lunch (Qdoba with combination of meats and veggies)

Registration: Deadline Monday, October 30

Materials: Participants are responsible for securing their own text book

  • “Lens to the Natural World:  Reflections on Dinosaurs, Galaxies and God” by Kenneth H. Olson, Wipf & Stock, 2011.  The author is retired ELCA pastor Kenneth H. Olson, a noted amateur dinosaur hunter from Montana, who has made some amazing finds on his own, even as he integrates the history of the universe with the theology of the first article of the creed.  [Participants are to purchase this book before the class session and to be familiar with chapters 1-4, 7, 9-10.]

Continuing Education Credits: 6 hours of contact for 6 hours of continuing education credit. (PMAs need to follow PMA guidelines to receive credit.)

Target Audience: This course is a great learning opportunity for those who have struggled with linking science and faith. How do the two link? Adults of all ages, lay and rostered, are invited to join the conversation.
Download the Course Syllabus HERE
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