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Book Study: Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations – EMMAUS, Spring 2023; Session 2

Program Description

Join us for a book study and conversation that moves us, as author Allen Stanten writes, to RECLAIM the gifts of God’s presence and partnership in rural areas where many have boughten the narrative there is only decay and decline. Join us online where we will not only learn from our reading, but also from one another as we rediscover that rural ministry is far more diverse and open for opportunity for revitalization. Participants will explore alternative narratives for rural congregations, various indicators of thriving rural churches, and refocus on necessary theology and practices needed in order to RECLAIM the future God brings.

There will be 4 sessions:

  • #1 (April 20): Introduction and Chapter 1 “Reclaiming the Narrative”
  • #2 (April 27): Chapters 2 & 3 “Reclaiming Vitality and Evangelism”
  • #3 (May 4) Chapters 4 & 5 “Reclaiming Our Theological Goals and Practice”
  • #4 (May 11) Chapter 6 and Closing Discussion “Reclaiming a Future”

Please read the assigned chapters prior to session.

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