“Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.”
– Ephesians 3:17-

Last year at Synod Assembly we launched a year-long focus to “Go And…” Thank you to all who embraced and joined us in this! This year we are are being called to “Cultivating Love.” We will again take this through the 12 intentional themes inviting you to consider cultivating: love, re-creation, new____, connection, grace, community, hope, peace, epiphanies, response, creation, and joy.

Each month, the Synod Staff will provide resources which will be available for download and can be utilized for bulletin inserts, newsletters, worship slides, or social media posting. Additional resources will be posted here so that you can utilize them in your Bible Studies, Adult Forums, Faith Formation discussions, discipleship reflections at home, and more.

Co-create with us this year by sharing your ideas and experiences. We learn from each other and your idea may be just what someone else is looking for. Share how you are engaging with these themes and help inspire others join us in Cultivating Love! Send your information to office@nebraskasynod.org or post on social media using the hashtag #CultivatingLove.

Together, let’s focus on responding to God’s call to be rooted and grounded in love.

NEW! Cultivating Love Through Hope – Advent Resources

Cultivating Love Stewardship Campaign

Cultivating Love Through Stewardship Presentation Slides

This resource provides some ideas and food for thought for thinking about an annual stewardship campaign for your congregation for the year ahead, which is built around some of the Cultivating Love themes.

Cultivating Love Preaching Resources

This resource provides a few nuggets to consider for weekly preaching and worship planning related to the Cultivating Love monthly themes for the year ahead. Special attention is given to stewardship, but there are nuggets related to many aspects of ministry in this.

Cultivating Love Prayers

Rev. Jeff Chu has beautifully written prayers of Cultivating Love to share with us. 

Share your Cultivating Love Stories

Stories help us feel connected to each other and to the world around us. Stories have the power to unite us in our very human experiences. They empower, enlighten, and engage us in a profound way. We invite you to share your stories with the Nebraska Synod!

Serving Arms Videos

At Synod Assembly, we watched these powerful videos. You’ve asked if they could be available to share. Here they are for you to share and show support to our Serving Arms, who are “Cultivating Love” in various ways!

Bishop Scott’s Assembly Report

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Cultivating Love (June)
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Cultivating Re-creation (July)
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Cultivating New _____ (August)
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Cultivating Connection (September)
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Cultivating Grace (October)
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Cultivating Community (November)
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Cultivating Hope (December)
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Cultivating Peace (January)
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Cultivating Epiphanies (February)
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Cultivating Response (March)
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Cultivating Creation (April)
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Cultivating Joy (May)
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