Messiah Lutheran – Grand Island, Nebraska
Holy Trinity – Sidney, Nebraska
Sheridan Lutheran – Lincoln, Nebraska
Salem Lutheran – Dakota City, Nebraska
A Synod wide day of service for middle school youth (5th-9th grade) to gather and learn to share Christ’s story as they explore how daily experiences and interactions shape our faith stories.
“So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17
Sharing faith stories can be hard for all of us, but especially for middle school youth. How do we listen to others whose story may not be the same as ours? How do we hear Christ’s story in their story? How do we hear the word of Christ? How do our daily encounters shape how we tell the story? How do we share THE story of the Good news of God’s love in words and deeds which is a story for all of us?
Join with other middle school youth and leaders in your area for a day of service and learning to tell the story. Bishop Scott Johnson will start us off with a recorded Bible Study focused on Romans 10:14-17. After Bible Study, join with youth from other congregations to participate in interactive games and activities that get youth talking, sharing, and telling stories. Eat lunch together then head out to serve at host sites throughout the community. Come back together to reflect on the stories you heard throughout the day and how they are a part of your story and Christ’s story. Practice telling the story by sharing about your experience in a fun way (because telling the story can be fun!). Close with prayer beads, a devotion, and an “accountability plan” for telling the story when you go back home.
Leave the day with new friends and new connections to other middle school youth and take home resources for telling Christ’s story and your story.
To register:
Also required:
Registration closes April 1st.
9:30 AM: Welcome, registration, housekeeping announcements, what is today all about? (What story are we telling? The good news!), covenant, and introduction to storytelling (“I am about” cards activity)
10:30 AM: Bible study with Bishop Scott and small group conversation
11:15 AM: Interactive activities to get YOU telling the story (yours, ours, Christ’s)
12:00 PM: Lunch (and learn about your service site)
12:30 PM: Depart for service learning sites
1:00 PM: Introductions, assignments, and info at sites
1:15 PM: Go and SERVE (snack and share break mid-afternoon as appropriate on sites)
3:45 PM: Prayer and pack up
4:00 PM: Depart for churches
4:30 PM: Supper and conversation around tables about experiences (Sit with your service group and plan how you will share your experience and tell the story with the large group-song? Skit? Poster? Poem? Guided conversation prompts will be provided at tables to help youth process how to share the story of their experience as a part of Christ’s story and their story)
5:00 PM: Large group sharing
5:30 PM: Large group devotion including prayer beads, “tell the story,” accountability plans, and story blessing
6:00 PM: Clean up (everybody helps!)
6:30 PM: Go and … TELL THE STORY!