
Never Done Growing – EMMAUS: Lifelong Learning

Written by Deacon Sunni Richardson

Remember when you learned to tie your shoe? It was like a big WOW! Maybe you’re learning WOW was threading a needle, changing the oil in your Chevy, baking chocolate cookies using the famous Toll House recipe, or riding a two-wheel bike. Or maybe it was when you were able to recite the Lord’s Prayer along with the grown-ups on Sunday morning or sing Jesus Loves Me all by yourself. Whatever the WOW it probably involved a teacher and a period of learning that was accompanied by practice.

You may have the bike riding, shoe tying, cookie baking, needle threading, and oil changing down pat, but no one is ever done growing as a disciple. Life experiences along with Sunday sermons, Bible studies, women’s circles, and faith-filled conversations help us grow in our understanding and application of Jesus’s teachings.

Emmaus: Lifelong Learning is an initiative of the Nebraska Synod offering learning opportunities for curious disciples. Topics vary along with format. Most courses are offered online using Zoom so we can reach across the synod. Our goal is to keep courses accessible with reasonable fees and financial subsidies as needed. Instructors are patient, professional, eager to share, open to questions, and lifelong learners themselves.

Fall offerings include rural ministry insights, lay preaching, spiritual practices, how-to instruction for leaders, Lutheran theology, connecting faith lessons with children’s books, stewardship nuts and bolts, and Growing Young. New courses are added on a quarterly basis. Details are posted on the Nebraska Synod website at


Peter Drucker has been attributed with saying, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s knowledge”. The church and we, the people of the church, are living in what many would call turbulent times. What used to work is not working. Schedules have changed. Volunteer time is at a premium. Worries are many and money is tight. It is so easy to act with yesterday’s knowledge. Emmaus: Lifelong Learning, a ministry of the Nebraska Synod offers you a faith-based opportunity to add to your learning WOWs.