
‘A New Commandment’ – Loving Service: Parish Ministry Associate Program

“ Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

On the last night of his life, Jesus wrapped a towel around his waist and took a basin of water and a pitcher and washed the feet of his disciples. When he was done, he said that disciples should engage in such service for one another. This was his example on the night he gave his new commandment—the mandatum of Maundy Thursday—that we should love as he loved.

It is that example of love in the form of service that Parish Ministry Associates (PMAs) seek to emulate. Begun in the early 1990s as an additional means to provide ministry leadership to local congregations, particularly those who might not otherwise have access to a pastor or deacon, the PMA program has grown into an integral part of the Nebraska Synod. Over 40 PMAs provide a variety of services, including transitional/interim ministry, to congregations around the state.

The PMAs’ logo features the pitcher and towel, and many wear the towel on their waist. These are constant reminders that the PMAs’ goal and mission is following the example of loving service provided by Jesus. For more information about the PMA program, visit https://nebraska-synod.local/discernment-vocation/parish-ministry-associate/

The Parish Ministry Associate Program is one of the many ministries of the Nebraska Synod bringing the Word to life in service. Thank you to you and your congregation for your support!

Throughout the season of Lent, the Nebraska Synod will be lifting up various Nebraska Synod ministries and serving arms that have a connection to the upcoming Sunday text. The text referenced here is from John 12:1-8, the Gospel reading for Sunday, April 5 – The Fifth Sunday in Lent.

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Special Note: The photo above includes PMA Ron Lau. Ron was a gifted PMA who served the church for many years before retiring to the Church triumphant.