
“Go and . . .” at Grace Lutheran in Cook

The Nebraska Synod launched their year-long focus to “Go and…” in June 2023 at the Nebraska Synod Assembly. Congregations were invited to be part of this call to GO! Grace Lutheran in Cook joined immediately in June with “Go and Pray.” The other 11 intentional monthly themes invite congregation members to listen, share your story, serve with neighbors, ask, be honest, be present, rest, have the conversation, be intentional, tell the story, and be church.

Reverend Helgren, pastor at Grace Lutheran, discusses these themes in the church’s monthly newsletter and on Sunday mornings during worship. “Go and …” inserts were placed in the bulletins, while the selected hymn for the month was used weekly for the offertory. Mid-week Lenten services also focused on this theme.

Fortunately, Grace Lutheran has two creative members who designed and constructed banners each month capturing the “Go and …” theme. The banner first hangs in the sanctuary during the appropriate month, then is displayed in the basement with the other banners in the “Go and …” series.

Temple Talks by church members took place during the month of August utilizing the theme “Share Your Story.” They included:

  • First Week – a member shared her experience of reading the Bible in a year;
  • Second Week – a youth shared his experiences attending Camp Carol Joy Holling;
  • Third Week – a member shared her faith journey; and
  • Fourth Week – a male member shared his faith journey.

Each month’s theme has challenged us to think about our faith and have discussions about how to live our lives as Christians.

If your church didn’t participate in the “Go and …” series this last year, perhaps you may take the opportunity to check the new theme, “Cultivating Love” in June 2024 which will be coming soon!  You call also contact Grace Lutheran Church at 402-864-4201 to discover more about how they embraced the Synod’s yearly theme.

Thanks, Grace Lutheran, for sharing!