Think addiction issues don’t affect your congregation?

 Check this out…

In a 2021 Survey of over 1,000 members of 13 congregations, 44% endorsed the statement “I am currently concerned about or affected by my own alcohol/drug issues or those of someone close to me.  That’s right 44% are currently concerned.

To learn more about how you can act on addiction issues, check out this 6-hour seminar. 

Flashing Your Brights – or – Let Your Light So Shine

Providing successful pastoral care to individuals and families harmed by any kind of addiction.

Some Things You Will Learn

  1. How to use five simple communication tools to give exceptional care to families troubled by substance problems and for people in early recovery.
  2. How these communication tools are useful for many hard conversations.
  3. Why you don’t need to be a therapist to do sound pastoral care with addicted people or their families.
  4. How science and theology work together on this issue.
  5. What it’s like to be a clergy who has struggled with addiction and now enjoys recovery.
  6. What congregations can learn from 12 Step Recovery.
  7. Why it’s likely that your congregation has experienced people who want to help in this ministry.
  8. How to find these people and help them become a team with an effective ministry.

Every experienced clergy has run into the frustrations of dealing with substance use problems and other addictions.  Referring people to AA, Alanon and treatment is helpful, but sound pastoral care is important for everyone in the family. It is also important to people in recovery as they rethink their spiritual lives.

This program provides a model of pastoral care and a model of congregational ministry.  These models show how sound theology and good science work together for congregation and clergy to “let their light so shine” with people and families in trouble with alcohol, drugs and other addictions.

Click here to register! 

What some attendees have to say about “Flashing Your Brights”

 Rev. Bohdan Vadis – Pastor, San Diego, CA: “This changed my attitude and perspective on intervention.  Simple ideas showed that I was being codependent.  The role play was worth doing – even though it made me uncomfortable.

Rev. Barbara Oshlo, Omaha, NE: I found myself pleasantly surprised and pleased at all the information available in the Flashing your Brights seminar. A great balance of information, Q&A, and group discussion. This issue affects so many in our church families today.

Amy Walls, Pastoral Intern, Montana:  “Flashing your Brights” is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the realities and stigma around addiction, for the addict and all who love them.”

Karen King, Parish Ministry Associate, Valley NE: “I’m all in with promoting this ministry.”

Rev. Tim Koester, Omaha, NE: “This workshop was extremely helpful to me as a pastor and provided both examples and research I can pass along to families and individuals seeking help with addiction. I highly recommend this short course to anyone.”