

by Rev. Karen Tjarks

“I can’t wait until I’m retired! Then I’ll have time to ….” [Fill in the blank]

Many of us start uttering some form of that statement in our 50’s. But then as that 65th or 70th birthday looms on the horizon, a bit of panic sets in. “What will I do?”

Google tells us that “retirement is the act of leaving one’s job or occupation or ceasing to work after a certain age.”
That may be the case for most professions; but it doesn’t really apply to ministry. At some point, or at a certain age, does “the call” just go away? Is there a time when as pastors we’re DONE?

I don’t know about my colleagues, but I certainly haven’t found that to be the case. After seven years I still find myself questioning if I’m doing enough. There are still times when I wake up in the middle of a Saturday night in a panic thinking I’ve forgotten to prepare a sermon.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m thoroughly enjoying retirement! It’s been a wonderful opportunity to explore other interests. And no more council meetings or confirmation classes or middle of the night hospital visits…. It’s been great to step away from the constant demands of parish ministry. It’s been awesome to be able to focus on other things.

But still. THE CALL. What does it mean at this point in my life?

If you’ve had these or similar questions, let’s get together over a cup of coffee or lunch. Even better, let’s find a time to get several of us together and bounce ideas off each other on what it means to be retired but not expired. Send me an email at