
News from the Nebraska Synod Assembly

The Nebraska Synod gathered in assembly June 1-2, 2024, in Kearney, Nebraska. The assembly theme was “Cultivating Love,” and kicked off a year-long theme emphasis for the whole synod. The assembly heard presentations from writer and pastor the Rev. Jeff Chu, from our ELCA Churchwide Organization representative the Rev. Sara Cutter, the report of the Bishop from Bishop Scott Johnson, and was led in worship by the musical leadership of Dn. John Weit from the ELCA Churchwide Organization. Assembly attendees participated in a number of workshop opportunities, worship, and went about the business of the synod.

Among the business the synod conducted:

  • The 2025 Nebraska Synod Budget was approved.
  • The 2025 Compensation Guidelines for Pastors and Deacons were approved.
  • The 2024 changes to the Nebraska Synod Constitution were approved.
  • Resolution 2024:1, regarding providing for the needs of women and children living in poverty was approved.
  • The following were elected to serve on the Nebraska Synod Council: Rev. Carol Ann Hopke, Kathy McAreavey, Rev. Brenda Pfeifly, Caleb Ruch, Irv Schleufer, and Mike Unverferth.
  • The following were elected to serve on the Nebraska Synod Consultation Committee: Rev. Kris Bohac, Ron Gunderson, Ian Hartfield, Rev. Erin Heidelberger, Christine Lund, and Rev. Chad Rademacher.
  • The following were elected to serve on the Nebraska Synod Committee on Discipline: Rev. Erick Hill, Rev. Kat Montira, Rev. Otto Schultz, and Rev. Patrick Sipes.
  • The following were nominated to be nominees for the ELCA Church Council from the Nebraska Synod: Jeff Akerson and Matt Schur. Their names will be placed in nomination for consideration by the 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.
  • The following were elected to serve as 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly voting members: Kristin Bartlett, Dex Dexter, Rev. Marcia Dorn, Gwen Edwards, Adam Frerichs, Nancy Hinrichs, Rev. Lori Kitzing, Rev. Paula Lawhead, Rhonda Obert, Mary Magstadt, Carol Meyer, Ric Miller, Nathan Peterson, Rev. Miles Ruch, Rev. Allison Siburg, Dn. Timothy Siburg, Rev. Eric Spruth-Jannsen, and Laurel Wiegand.

The Nebraska Synod gives thanks for all who served as voting members of the 2024 Nebraska Synod Assembly and who participated in the assembly. Please pray for all who were willing to serve in new ways this year and who allowed their names to go forth in nomination, and for all those listed above who were elected. We are the church together, Cultivating Love. As the year ahead progresses, stay tuned for more resources related to this synod theme emphasis.

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