
Cultivating New and the Spirit’s Movement: An Invitation to Discern about and join the Vitality Initiative

By Deacon Timothy Siburg, Director for Evangelical Mission, Innovation and Stewardship

How are you doing at discerning about cultivating love through something new? Have you taken a chance this month to ponder what it is that you might focus on a new now and in the year to come? Last week, I shared an invitation with you to do just this. In doing so, one idea I mentioned was the Nebraska Synod’s Vitality Initiative for Congregations. This is an initiative through which congregations discern their unique congregational vocation and ponder questions like: What might God be up to? And what might God be inviting us to be a part of next?

Questions like these are central to cultivating new life and a part of life as followers of Jesus. We’re called to wonder, “What does this mean?” “To whom shall we go?” or, “What on earth might the Holy Spirit be up to now?” Questions are also central to the Vitality Initiative’s work and journey.

A couple of current participants in the second cohort of the initiative were asked recently by a congregation council discerning about their possible participation in the third cohort to come. This congregation was curious about what the current participants were seeing and sensing in terms of movement, investment, and discernment. In response to these questions and as part of this conversation, here are some of what these pastoral and lay leader participants had to say:


“The Vitality Initiative is great for congregations in transition or congregations just looking to learn a new thing.”

“The Vitality Initiative helps congregations have accountability from other congregations, because sometimes discernment work can take a back seat to more ‘pressing needs’ of church life.”

“Really, any congregation who takes their own discernment seriously, and God’s movement in their place as the center of their congregation’s mission and ministry, the Vitality Initiative is a great process for any congregation to help them hear God’s call more clearly in this time and in this place.”


Those were the words from a few vitality team members from congregations in the current cohort. But there is much more that could be said. If you are intrigued, I invite you to check out the updated Vitality Initiative website today. Now is the time to discern and wonder if the Spirit might be calling and inviting your congregation to be a part of this journey.

Applications are now live and being accepted for the third cohort. The application deadline is November 8, 2024, and the next cohort will officially launch at the beginning of 2025. Perhaps the Spirit might be blowing in such a way, that it is time for your congregation to join in with the nineteen other congregations of the Nebraska Synod who are or have been a part of this Vitality journey so far.

Pray. Discern. Wonder. Ask. Follow. These are part of the life of being a disciple. What are the ways that you and your congregation are being called to cultivate love through a new experience this year? Perhaps, the Vitality Initiative might be part of your answer.