R.A.R.E. (Racial Awareness, Reconciliation, and Engagement) is a ministry of the Nebraska Synod ELCA dedicated to energize the church to combat the sin of racism.

By increasing awareness about the history and nature of racism, creating opportunities for reconciliation, and promoting engagement among diverse people, we can better live out the command to love God and love our neighbors. Through grace we commit to the task of shedding our prejudices and participating in the rich blessing of human difference.

Looking to the Future
“We are greater than, and greater for, the sum of us,” writes author Heather McGhee in her book, The Sum of Us. McGhee argues convincingly that racism hurts everyone by eroding the humanity of all who experience it, whether as victims or perpetrators. When we come together, each of us working toward a greater good, we are healthier, more resilient and stronger as a whole.

More than 150 years after the end of the Civil War, racial injustice within the structures of our institutions – including the ELCA – continues to harm us. We, as the church, are called by Christ to eradicate racism, to seek justice and equity for all and to foster wholeness in our communities and in our society at large.

To that end, we invite you to partner with us in advancing this work in your churches, your neighborhoods, your workplaces and your families.

  • Join R.A.R.E. – we are always glad to welcome new members!
  • Connect with us at rare@nebraskasynod.org.
  • Fill out the “Stay in touch with us” form at the bottom of this page to sign up for our quarterly newsletter and other updates. (Be sure to select I want info about “R.A.R.E. updates”)



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For questions or more information about R.A.R.E please contact R.A.R.E. committee at rare@nebraskasynod.org.