We understand what it means to be part of a community that looks out for one another.

In Nebraska, we understand as well as anyone in the U.S. – perhaps the world – the important relationship between the precious earth and resources God has blessed us with and our ability to feed and nourish ourselves.

We understand what it means to be part of a community that looks out for one another. Hunger is present in developing countries and here at home. It happens in both urban and rural settings. In short, hunger affects people everywhere, across the world, across the country and across the street

Nebraska Synod One Another Hunger Program

One Another is a program aimed at engaging local mission centers in discussion about the poverty and hunger in our midst and how we can respond as the church. The One Another Fund helps financially support and undergird local hunger relief efforts that are affiliated with the Synod and its congregations and ministries – such as food pantries and job skills ministries – through mini-grants that are made available twice each year in the fall and spring.

The grants are intended to provide seed money for new initiatives or enhancements of existing ministries or programs. Applications for funding for maintenance or ongoing expenses are discouraged. The maximum amount of each grant is $500

Deadline to apply is April 15th.


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