In a divided world consumed with winning and losing, we as the church are called by Christ to be different.

What is justice? The Nebraska Synod challenges congregations throughout Nebraska to identify injustices in their communities and respond to the call to speak on behalf of those in need to see justice done on their behalf.

In a divided world consumed with winning and losing, we as the church are called by Christ to be different. The Nebraska Synod seeks to have a genuine discussion about Christ’s calling for us to show mercy, love and justice in our communities, our state, our nation and our world.

It is taking Christ’s teachings outside the church walls and into the streets of our neighborhoods, communities and world. No winners. No losers. Just walking with others and showing them the love of Jesus Christ.

Justice Ministries


By increasing awareness about the history and nature of racism, creating opportunities for reconciliation, and promoting engagement among diverse people, we can better live out the command to love God and love our neighbors.

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Care of Creation 

Christian concern for the environment is shaped by the Word of God spoken in creation, the Love of God hanging on a cross, the Breath of God daily renewing the face of the earth.

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The LGBTQIA+ Affirming Team of the Nebraska Synod provides resources to rostered leaders and congregations seeking to more effectively welcome and support LGBTQIA+ people into full equity and inclusion in the church.

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Micah 6:8
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NSHLA (Nebraska Synod Holy Land Accompaniment)
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