Matthew 5:17 “Let your light so shine”
Knowing we are all children of God, loved and forgiven, Nebraska Synod Youth Ministries are grounded in our baptismal promises. We challenge youth to let their light shine by raising disciples who know they matter, they belong, there is a place for them, and they have gifts to share. We do this through offering programs that equip, empower and challenge youth to become leaders, servants, and faithful followers of Christ as they explore their vocation and call and by empowering the adults who lead these youth with networking, resource sharing and tools to facilitate growth.
Detailed description of youth ministry programs in 2024/2025
Guiding Principles, Policies and Practices Relating to ADEI for Sponsored Youth Events
Youth and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy
Learn more about individual events and resources offered for youth and youth leaders in the Nebraska Synod: