Talanoa Dialogue: A resource for guiding conversations centered around mutual respect and focused on storytelling.

Resources for facilitating election conversations: The political identi-tree is a great visual resource with a facilitation guide. There are also tips on ground rules, reflection questions and “why are we having this conversation” pointers. 

Guidelines for post-election dialogues: This resource was created for previous elections but still contains many useful tools including ground rules, discussion formats and sample discussion questions.

A First Draft Conversation: Post election conversation: This resource helps people practice having caring conversations after the election.

Note: this exercise is part of a four week series of resources shared after the 2020 election for post-election conversation. You can find all the resources here.

Civility in Politics: An article encouraging positive and productive debate.

A Pledge for the Election: A pledge that can be taken to agree to civil conversation, rooted in scripture (scroll to page 8 of the document).

Seeking to be Faithful Together: This resource is from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and offers guidelines for living and working together in times of disagreement.

Graceful Conversations: Building Arcs across Divided Perspectives: This five-part video series is a partnership between Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota and The Ministry Lab. The series includes five ~25-minute videos, facilitator guides, and participant handouts. This toolkit offers additional suggestions for online resources. This is a great resource for helping congregations begin to talk to each other about divisive issues.