Now is the perfect time for everyone to review their federal student loan situation. This is an exciting opportunity for those working for churches and non-profit organizations. We know this first hand as some LSS Financial Counseling staff have been positively impacted by these changes (see below).
Changes in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) have created a time-limited opportunity until October 31, 2022. Previously ineligible borrowers may now be eligible under the limited PSLF waiver!
LSS Financial Counseling is here to help. Attend the workshop on Thursday, August 25 at 10 a.m. to:
Determine if the limited PSLF waiver is beneficial
Understand your options and demystify the process of applying for PSLF
Learn what helpful tools are available
Avoid common student loan scams
If you cannot attend the presentation, call 800.528.2926 to schedule a free appointment with one of our student loan counselors or visit our blog for additional information. Our certified student loan counselors understand what people are going through and can help you explore if PSLF is right for you!
This online workshop will be held on Thursday, August 25th from 10::AM-12:00PM Central / 9:00AM-11:00AM Mountain.