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Leadership Summit

9th - 12th Grade | Location: TBD

This weekend allows us to continue to explore what it means to be a faithful leader.  In the fall, we explored how to be leaders in the world. The spring event allows us to think about how we can be leaders IN and FOR the church. What does it mean to be a leader in the church? How do we live out our baptismal promises? How do we advocate, support, worship and pray with and for one another. Join in parts of synod assembly to learn how the church works and how you can be a part of it, and spend time in our own workshops-digging deep into specific areas of interest such as teaching, music, worship and bible study, advocacy or global mission. Take steps to make a difference and be heard as you use your gifts and passions to live out your call as a member of the Church.

Location: To be determined

Registration not yet available.

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