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Holy Currencies and Community Organizing

Pastor Ernesto Medina will offer a book study of Eric Law’s book “Holy Currency,” which should serve as a primer for basic community organizing. The currencies that will be explored will be:

Currency of Time and Place

Currency of Gracious Leadership

Currency of the Truth

Currency of Relationships

Currency of Wellness

Currency of Money

Pastor Ernesto Medina is a seasoned Wanna-be Mystic. Some say he is crazy (but in a good way).  Ernesto is passionate about the Good News of Jesus and knows the time has come to re-imagine a new way to share the classic narrative of love. At his core, he is Evangelical and understands that a new language must be developed for the church to do its thing; otherwise, the institution will die. He will offer his study and experience and provide a faithful bridge of the tradition and vision.

Class Details:
Dates: Sundays – March 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 2025
Times: 4:00-5:15 pm Central/3:00-4:15 Mountain
Format:  Holy Currency is a perfect online option for busy people. Join on Zoom. Link will be emailed to registered participants after March 10, 2025
Target Audience: For those who wonder, “what can I do to help my neighbor?” and want to become more involved in immigration support, this book is part of a step in a process. (This book fits in under step 3).

Note: This plan is comprehensive. It is not helpful to the people directly affected by the current policies if you simply are going to educate yourself on the resources. If you think having the resources available when someone is detained will be too late and not helpful.

Step #1: Do your work.  Please ensure you have a relationship with a good therapist or spiritual director. This is not the time to project one’s insecurities or privilege while attempting to provide assistance.

Step #2: Get informed on the data, resources, and current best practices. The three principle areas are:

Real data of what is happening and reality checks of the emotional responses from both sides.

The constitutional rights that people have and how to claim and exercise those rights (before and during detainment). Knowing what documents and phone number to have on hand.

Development of a Family Safety Plan – with appropriate and correct legal papers.

Finally, the process of getting the information out first hand (and not simply handing out papers). Native speakers are best at doing this, in person, and culturally competent.  (We can help you find the right people for this).

Step #3: Use your leadership skills to do some basic community organizing, build a coalition to support at-risk people best, and facilitate a community meeting to share appropriate resources. It is important to note that this is best done in person.

Step #4: Begin the long-haul work and develop and implement skills in bridging the movable right and left.

Supplies Needed: Participants should have note taking supplies and a copy of the book Holy Currency.

Continuing Education Credits: This course constitutes 4 hours of continuing education credit.

Costs: $20/person

Registration Deadline:  Registration deadline is March 10, 2025. No refunds after March 10, 2025.

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