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150th Anniversary

150th Anniversary

Nebraska Synod Celebrates 150 Years of Mission

It was in September, 1871 that a small group of pastors from a handful of young Lutheran congregations gathered to create a fellowship, a structure that would connect them to one another. The new entity was called the Nebraska Synod. Affiliated with the national General Synod, the original Nebraska Synod was one of several church bodies that emerged and then merged through the next 116 years to become the Nebraska Synod ELCA.

The 150th anniversary of that event will be commemorated in a variety of ways throughout the coming months, culminating in a birthday party of sorts at the 2022 Synod Assembly. Over the course of those months, resources will be made available for congregational use to help spotlight the history and mission of the synod, and to encourage congregations to share stories of their own histories and mission.

The first formal event of the commemoration year will be Nebraska Synod Sunday, August 29, 2021. Congregations are encouraged to lift up the 150th anniversary that weekend and to make use of bulletin, newsletter and worship resources, including a sermon video and manuscript, that will be made available this summer. Watch the e-news, the synod website and other communications for more information, and plan now to “start the party” on August 29.
You can also watch the 150th Anniversary introduction video at this link. (https://youtu.be/WwR66oJwHqU)

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