The month of Reformation invites us to not just consider how God might be calling us to be formed and reformed, but also to ponder how God might be inviting us to cultivate grace. Paul writes, “For there is no distinction, since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption of Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:22-24, NRSV). Grace is a gift of God that we cannot earn or ever deserve, but that is given freely. It embodies the gifts of life and salvation which are pure gifts too. As we continue to cultivate love, God might also be inviting us cultivate grace through reconciliation and continued community connections. What could this look like in your context?

Questions for Reflection:

  • In what ways have you seen and experienced God’s grace made real for you?
  • How might we, be being invited to cultivate grace? What might this look and feel like?
  • How might God be inviting us to cultivate grace through reconciliation and continued community connections (especially in a month leading up to an election)?

Suggested Hymns and Songs:

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound – ELW 779 & LBW 448
By Grace We Have Been Saved – ACS 1006
God of Grace and God of Glory – ELW 705 & LBW 415
We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus – ELW 451 & WOV 698

Other Theme Considerations and Potential Connections:

  • “Cultivating Grace” obviously connects with Reformation Day. But in what other ways might it connect with some of the core practices, values, and understandings of who we are as God’s people.
  • The October calendar includes Harvest time, Indigenous Peoples Day, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Nebraska Synod Fall Leadership Gathering, and Reformation. What ways might we cultivate grace through these dates and observances?