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Reclaiming Rural 1.0 (Sept / Oct 2024)

Program Description

Join us for a book study and conversation that moves us, as author Allen Stanten writes, to RECLAIM the gifts of God’s presence and partnership in rural areas where many have boughten the narrative there is only decay and decline. Join us online where we will not only learn from our reading, but also from one another as we rediscover that rural ministry is far more diverse and open for opportunity for revitalization. Participants will explore alternative narratives for rural congregations, various indicators of thriving rural churches, and refocus on necessary theology and practices needed in order to RECLAIM the future God brings.

Rev. Dr. Sarah Cordray will lead you through the book with 4 sessions.

Please read the assigned chapters prior to session.

  • #1 (September 26): Introduction & Chapter 1 “Reclaiming the Narrative”
  • #2 (October 3): Chapters 2 & 3 “Reclaiming Vitality and Evangelism”
  • #3 (October 10) Chapters 4 & 5 “Reclaiming Our Theological Goals and Practice”
  • #4 (October 17) Chapter 6 and Closing Discussion “Reclaiming a Future”

Past Participant Quote:

“Members of our congregation gathered weekly for the Reclaiming Rural class. Not only did this provide fellowship and shared learning for us, we were able to hear from other congregations around the state that are facing similar challenges. As the author frequently reminded us, if you have seen ONE rural community, you’ve seen ONE rural community. It was eye-opening to hear how each community has their particular gifts and strengths. This helped us lift up some of our assets like our many multi-generational families, our building, and location. We are beginning to see more clearly how we are a trusted institution in the community. AND how we leverage this position to be agents of reconciliation, hope, and transformation. As one member put it, “this isn’t just about being a healthy church, it’s about being a healthy community.” It was a great wy o start or continue big questions about our ministry together.”- Trinity Lutheran Church Newman Grove.


From camp counselor to 3rd grade teacher to youth minister to pastor, Rev. Dr. Sarah Cordray has served as an associate pastor in Aitkin, MN (2005-2009) and as head of staff for a rural four-point parish in the panhandle of Nebraska (2009-2014). She is currently serving as the Senior Pastor at Luther Memorial Church in Syracuse where she has been since early 2014. All these calls have given opportunity to Pastor Sarah to discover her passion and unique vocation within her call: to be God’s agent in accompanying individual leaders and congregations to [re]discover their identity and purpose in relationship to God, community, and self while becoming revitalized through Christ. Sarah is also an ELCA Level 2 Certified Coach-Mission Development and Congregation Vitality.

Along with the joy of this call, Sarah gives thanks to God for the best gifts of her life: her husband Nick and their two children, Nathanial and Samantha.

Class Details

Format: Online via ZOOM – Zoom link and additional course details will be send to those registered after September 19.

Dates:  Thursdays, September 26, October 3, 10 and 17

Time:   7:00-8:00 Central/6:00-7:00 Mountain

Target Audience: Lay and rostered leaders are welcome. Congregations are encouraged to

participate with pastoral leader (pastor, deacon, PMA) and at least one lay leader. Having a partner will help integrate the learning and provide support for sharing with the congregation. This is the third time we have offered this Emmaus course. Each of the congregations that have participated have shared having a group gathered helped them formulate their next faithful action steps living into their mission and call as a rural congregation.

Cost: Course fee is $20/person. Buy 3 tickets and bring as many as you would like to a group watch party. Registration deadline is September 19. No refunds after September 19.

Materials:  Students need to purchase their own copy of “Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations” by Allen T. Stanton. We would encourage each person to have their own book. Purchase at Amazon & Barnes & Noble.

Continuing Education Credits: This course is considered 4 hours of continuing education credit.

PMAs should consult the PMA Handbook on how to receive credit for this course.

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