
Food for the Soul: A Year in Scotland with YAGM*

Shared Story- First Lutheran Church in Lincoln, NE

Submitted by: Shelby’s grandmother, S. K. Rockwell

First Lutheran member, Shelby Riedman, is in the final months of her year-long involvement in ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program. Shelby, the only Nebraskan, joins Ethan, Gabrielle, Ryan, Heather, Dylan, John, and Truman to make up the 8-member cohort serving in the UK. Shelby is working in Edinburgh with Bethany Christian Trust, an organization that assists people experiencing homelessness. She has been working alongside the full staff team by befriending residents and engaging in their daily activities.

Shelby felt quite lucky to find a faith community within Edinburgh. Central Church opened their doors and welcomed her with open arms. She found several groups within Central that she enjoys: All Nations, Soul Food, and Leith Community. All Nations brings together the international people in Central. They usually meet at a member’s home once a month. The morning is spent in devotions and then they share a potluck style meal. The Soul Food group hosts community members each week for a home cooked meal. Members of the church will participate in several ways in the meal including cooking, welcoming guests, and talking with those
who come.

Leith Community meets weekly at members’ homes or in the community. They gather and discuss a chapter of their current read Uncommon Ground or have some fellowship with an activity together. Shelby said, “I have talked to so many interesting people since joining….my faith and sense of community has grown exponentially.”

In the community Shelby works with, she discovered how food opens the door to learn about, and connect with, residents in different ways such as joking about the “proper” way to say tomato, if marshmallows belong on mashed sweet potatoes, or learning about how haggis makes someone feel more connected to home. She noticed how fresh gooey snickerdoodle cookies, a very “American” food started a conversation with the residents. She said, “It was a fantastic moment that I shared how I love to bake and talk to others about what brings them joy as well.”

Shelby said, “Throughout the bible, food joins people together under God and strengthens one’s soul through feeding it in faith. I’m starting to see this theme come up all around me. As I talk to people at Bethany Christian Trust, All Nations, Soul Food, and Leith Community about their faith and beliefs, and what it means to them. It has surprised me that through this connection, I’ve started to feel closer to God.”

Shelby has also been adding to a blog about her year in the YAGM
program. It can be found Here if you would like to read more about her time.