
Inclusivity Workshop Recap

Written by: Elysia McGill- Synod Council, Vice President

On May 31, 2023, roughly 80 people from across the Nebraska Synod, gathered to begin an opportunity on Inclusivity training. I went in, thinking that I knew what that word truly meant but as the morning rolled on, I began to look at things much differently. I began to see an appreciation for my upbringing because my parents taught me to be loving and accepting of all people. I grew up knowing that not everyone felt this way but I thought that it was directed at only our African-American siblings in Christ.  I soon learned during our time together that this training was going to cover much more than a definition and could mean so much more and how our internal and external biases affect so much of our lives. 

I was shocked and saddened at some of the statistics given, questions that were posed to us and the different scenarios that we talked through because I had been raised to be loving and accepting of all. I learned so much about myself on that day and how much work I have to do in order for me to be a better person. I learned that I am a work in progress and that’s OK because I am a beloved child of God. Many of us expressed feelings of guilt over ways that we have treated other people in our lives, but one of the most significant things that was said and I will carry with me came from a fellow participant. She said “don’t be sorry, be helpful” and that truly has made me start looking at things differently. How can I be helpful to the marginalized in the area in which I live? 

There is still so much work to be done, and I pray that myself and all of us can work together to make sure that we are living out. God’s great command to love one another in ways that are helpful and loving.