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Book Study: We Belong to the Land – The Story of a Palestinian Israeli Who Lives For Peace and Reconciliation

Mondays; June 12, June 19, June 26

Program Description

What can one person do to make a difference in a world like ours? How do we follow Jesus in a time like ours? These are questions many of us ask. We’ll read Abuna Elias Chacour’s story together and perhaps discover some of our own answers. This powerful story is told with the help of one of our own Nebraska Synod pastors, Rev. Dr. Mary E. Jensen, now retired.

Monday June 12 7:30pm CDT
Monday June 19 7:30pm CDT
Monday June 26 7:30pm CDT

There will be 3 sessions each 75 minutes on Zoom.
June 12: Chapters 1-7  Stories of beginnings and Call
June 19: Chapters 8-17 Following Jesus to “Get up, go ahead, do something, move”
June 26: Chapters 18-24 We belong to the land and to each other
Please read the assigned chapters prior to each session.

Rev. Megan Morrow has had the privilege of traveling to the Holy Land and the Middle East six times
since 1995, including four trips with the Nebraska Synod Holy Land Accompaniment (NSHLA) assisting
Rev. Dr Mary Jensen. Visiting the Mar Elias Schools in Ibillin, along with the churches, schools and
ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, have been highlights of and
inspiration for her faith, life, ministry and preaching as she’s served in congregations and synod
ministry. The “Living Stones” (the people) in the Holy Land have much to teach us about following
Jesus. Pastor Megan currently serves as Transitional Minister at St. John’s United Lutheran, Alliance, in
the beautiful Panhandle of Nebraska with the creative and difference-making followers of Jesus at St.

Class Details Format: Online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent by email after June 6 by Rev Pastor Megan
Morrow. Watch for an email from revmegan308402@gmail.com.

Dates: Mondays, June 12, 19 and 26
7:30-8:45pm CDT/6:30-7:45 MT

Target Audience: Youth and adults who love to learn from other people’s stories, and from Jesus’ story.
Resources are provided so that you might also lead a book discussion yourself. If you’re planning a trip
or are interested in traveling to the Holy Land, this book is great background and helps you see things
and understand things more deeply.

Cost: $25/person includes the book 1990 edition of We Belong to the Land. Books will be mailed on or
before June 6 to allow time for reading the first chapters for the June 12 session.

Participants may purchase their own copy of the book by Elias Chacour with Mary E. Jensen
online as an e-book or downloadable pdf (the 2001 edition).

Downloadable resources:

Registration deadline is Monday, June 5. No refunds after June 5.

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