
My Sheep Hear My Voice – Mosaic

“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27 (NRSV)

When Jesus says his sheep hear his voice, he’s referring to a phenomenon his listeners know—that of sheep who can recognize the voice of their own shepherd. That bonding takes place over time as the shepherd speaks to the sheep, cares for them, and in a real sense, builds relationship with them.

Building relationship for the sake of and after the model of the Good Shepherd is exactly what the ministry of Mosaic is about. Working with people with disabilities, mental and behavioral health needs and autism, as well as aging adults, Mosaic works to build relationships between staff and clients, between clients and one another and between clients and the community, all for the sake of helping individuals be empowered to live the best, most independent life they can. As they do, they transform the lives not only of their clients, but of the clients families and loved ones.

This Serving Arm partner of the Nebraska Synod serves over 5200 people in 13 states and 750 communities, extending the ministry of the Good Shepherd one relationship at a time. Learn more at

Mosaic is one of the many ministries of the Nebraska Synod bringing the Word to life in service. Thanks to you and your congregation for your support!

Throughout the season of Easter, the Nebraska Synod will continue lifting up various Nebraska Synod ministries and serving arms that have a connection to the upcoming worship text. The text referenced here is from John 10:22-30 the Gospel reading for Sunday, May 8, the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

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