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2022 Middle School Gathering

The annual Middle School Gathering is a highly interactive experience for young people in grades 6-8 and their adult leaders.  The next MSG will be held 9am-6pm on Saturday, January 15, at the new Hazel Dillon Lodge at Carol Joy Holling Camp near Ashland.  Worship, service learning, a scavenger hunt and fun at Mahoney State Park will fill the day.  Participants will focus on communication—what Jesus communicates and how we communicate with our neighbors.  The theme is “Words: What R U Trying 2 Say?” and our guiding verse is John 1:1.

Registration Rates:

  • Early bird (on or before November 29):  $35
  • Regular registration (November 30-December 17):  $45
  • Late registration (December 18-December 30):  $55
  • A ratio of six youth or fewer to one adult is recommended. Adult leaders from congregations will provide round trip transportation for their congregation’s youth from Carol Joy Holling to Mahoney State Park during the Middle School Gathering.

Registration Steps:

  • Each youth and adult participant completes a Registration Form.
  • The primary adult leader uses Registration Forms to complete registration online.
  • Bring the hard copy of Registration Forms to the Middle School Gathering so an adult leader from your group can have them available for emergency purposes.
  • Each ADULT participant must complete a Volunteer Screening Form and return it by December 30 to Lisa Kramme.
  • If you need to request a refund, the request will be honored if emailed to Lisa Kramme by December 30.
  • For CANCELLATIONS, email Lisa Kramme the name of the person cancelling. If you are wanting to SUBSTITUTE one person for another, email Lisa Kramme the name of the person canceling and the name, t-shirt size, emergency contact, and special needs of the person being added and acknowledgement that their covenant and medical/photo release were signed.  Substitutions made after December 30 are not guaranteed a t-shirt.

If coming from a distance means you’ll want housing on Friday night, there may be a limited number of beds available for an additional fee at Carol Joy Holling.  Please contact Dana Jahn if you are interested in learning more.  A block of rooms for Friday, January 14 is currently being explored with a Lincoln hotel.  Space is limited, so please register early.  Questions?  Please contact Lisa Kramme.

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