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Reconvening the "Nebraska Synod Holy Land Accompaniment"

Join us in working together for justice and peace in Israel and Palestine as we reconvene NSHLA on November 30th at 9:30 AM (central time) on Zoom.

The NSHLA group was formed as a journey of accompaniment with our Christian siblings in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.  In it’s early years, accompaniment trips were made to the Holy Land. Today, as we reconvene, we look for ways to strive for justice and peace and to continue to accompany those who live in the Holy Land. 

In our first meeting we will remember and celebrate the work of Rev. Dr. Mary Jensen and join in conversation with Adam and Jordan Miller-Stubbendick, who served as the YAGM (Young Adults in Global Mission) Jerusalem/West-Bank Country Coordinators. They will share their experiences and help us understand how we can support those who are in the Holy Land today.


Meeting Schedule:

9:30 AM: Introductions, welcome, and devotion

9:45 AM: Memories of Mary Jensen

10:00 AM:  Conversation with the Stubbendicks about the Holy Land, their experience, and current conditions

10:45 AM: Resource sharing, current happenings, andways to get involved

10:50 AM: Announcements from steering team

For more information or to be added to our mailing list, email Gretchen Ahrens or call the Synod office.

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