
“I Felt the Call When I was 10 Years Old!”

by Pr. Joanna Kathol

I grew up attending Immanuel Lutheran Church in Bellevue, Nebraska—a wonderful Nebraska Synod congregation that nurtured me in my faith from a young age. Even as a kid, I loved going to church—I loved hearing the Bible stories in Sunday School, attending summertime Vacation Bible School, and spending time with my church family at church events. I was even the kid who would nudge others out of the way so I could sit in the coveted spot next to the pastor during the weekly children’s sermon in worship!

I first felt a call to ministry when I was about 10 years old (at the time, I thought pastors only worked on Sundays—score!). As I got older, I realized that a pastor is involved in so much more than just leading worship. A pastor also builds relationships, teaches people about God, serves the community, and walks alongside others in their faith journeys. Even as a kid, I knew I wanted to do these things, and my faith continued to grow as I attended Carol Joy Holling Camp, high school youth group, Synod events, and mission trips.

I gave my first sermon when I was 16 years old. I preached about discipleship, and I remember feeling as if God was speaking through me—it was a wonderful and humbling feeling! After the service, an older woman came up to me and said that she had watched me grow up in the congregation and had known I was going to be a pastor when I was just six years old. That was another defining moment in my call to ministry.

I continued to occasionally preach and lead worship, and in college I also grew in my ministry leadership through my involvement with Nebraska Campus Ministries. After graduating from college in 2019, I moved to St. Paul, Minnesota and began attending Luther Seminary. I learned a lot through my classes as well as from hands-on experiences as I served in two Minnesota congregations.

I graduated from Luther Seminary in the spring of 2023 and began the First Call process in the Nebraska Synod soon afterward. I am now honored to be serving as a full time pastor of Word and Sacrament at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Falls City, Nebraska. Praise God!


I want to encourage you if you are discerning a possible call to ministry. It is a lot of hard work and you will be challenged at times but you will also grow in your faith and calling in so many ways! You can also be reassured that you do not go through this discernment process alone.

Receive this blessing: May the Holy Spirit guide you and may you receive God’s wisdom as you discern your call. May God grant you a curious mind and an open heart, as well as  the courage to ask and explore new possibilities. May you be wrapped in the loving support of your loved ones and church communities, and may you know God’s dee and abiding presence along the journey. Amen.

Pr. Joanna Kathol serves St. Pauls’ Lutheran Church in Falls City.