
Bishop Scott’s Assembly Report

The Nebraska Synod gathered in Assembly under the theme “Cultivating Love” June 1-2  in Kearney, NE. A day of pre-assembly workshops was held on May 31: “Cultivating Love through Stewardship” with NE Synod Director for Evangelical Mission Innovation and Stewardship Deacon Timothy Siburg and Pastor Chick Lane; “Cultivating Accessibility” with NE Synod Director for Justice and Youth Ministries Gretchen Ahrens; and “Cultivating Joy and Exploration through Music” with ELCA Executive for Worship Deacon John Weit, Pastor Breen Sipes, and Conie Borchardt.

Assembly began with worship at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 1st with Bishop Scott Alan Johnson preaching & presiding, Pastor Sara Cutter assisting, and music leadership provided by Deacon John Weit, ELCA Executive for Worship. Our keynote speaker was Pastor Jeff Chu, a writer, speaker, and pastor in the Reformed Church in America. In his keynote addresses, Pastor Chu engaged both the theme and the assembly attendees in spiritual reflection, using our own prayers, pleas, and laments to construct a narrative of sorrow and rebirth he coined “Spiritual Composting.” Pastor Sara Cutter, Senior Director of Operations in the ELCA’s Christian Community and Leadership Home Area, represented the ELCA Churchwide Organization, bringing greetings from our siblings across the ELCA and reporting on initiatives in the Churchwide office. Assembly participants moved through official business and voting effectively and quickly, electing a slate of officers, Churchwide Assembly voting members, and two candidates for the ELCA Church Council to be forwarded to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in Phoenix. One resolution was passed exhorting the entire Synod to advocate for greater access to menstrual cycle supplies, including inclusion in SNAP and related programs. Afternoon workshops on a wide variety of topics were well-attended, and a second keynote address by Pastor Jeff Chu capped the first day of business in good spirits.

The Assembly was reconvened at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning to conclude the plenary business including approving the 2025 synod budget, which again moved swiftly. Bishop Johnson offered his annual report, which included a significant amount of time for the Assembly to share their own stories of “Cultivating Love.” At 11:00 a.m., Assembly closed in worship with Pastor Chu preaching, Bishop Johnson and Synod Vice President Elysia McGill assisting, Deacon Karen Melang serving as lector, and Deacon John Weit serving as worship leader and cantor. Congregations throughout the Nebraska Synod were invited to attend both in person and through the available livestream; watch parties were held throughout the synod so that congregations whose pastors and other worship leaders were in attendance at Assembly could worship as one church together.

There was an overwhelming sense of gratitude and goodwill as we embarked on a year of Cultivating Love together in the Nebraska Synod. Resources related to the theme will be available throughout the year, as well as a “Cultivating Stories” resource through which individuals and congregations can share the ways we are Cultivating Love together. Thanks to the many people who gave their time and effort as part of the Assembly Planning Committee and the various working groups related to making things run so smoothly. We look forward to Cultivating Love with all of you in this year to come!

Bishop Scott Johnson